He’s Totally Got a New Friend!

Due to the recent untimely demise of my sister’s cat Meowsers, I bought a dumpster kitten to give her as a gift (literally a dumpster kitten). Not to replace Meowsers, but because my sister’s house is a strange foreign land without a minimum of three cats. Plus Mr. and Mrs. don’t have to deal with children and their temper tantrums needed something to shake up their home, why? Because, why not?


My sister’s husband Mare was Meowser’s buddy, so he is having a hard time adjusting to the kitten. He is full of threats of getting my daughter a snake or a bird as revenge for the kitten imposition. What’s hysterical though, is that the dumpster kitten immediately took to Mare and just assumes Mare will love him. So to cool down the embers of my brother-in-laws burning anger and resentment at my thoughtful and humanitarian gift, I have compiled a list of benefits that come from having a new kitten friend. Just look at all of the fun you can have Mare!

Your Kitten Can:

Run with you during an explosion



Enhance your bravery during crocodile wrestling


Good company for camel back riding!



Laugh at all of your jokes if you decide to join a comedy team.



Keep you entertained during those long hours at sea



Have someone to totally back you up in the senate



Take hiking trips with you, this will be so epic they’ll change the signs in your honor.




Yes Mare, you are totally welcome.


The Best Sister in Law EVER